Step 1. Think Positive, act positive speak positively.
I jumped right into the first step of this subject because it is so important to success and happiness. Positive thinking is the key to everything, without this basic fundamental you will never be able to accomplish anything. This includes not listening to negative people and not including them in your life, no matter who it is. you need to surround yourself with positivism, this doesn't mean only people who agree with you but rather people that support you. Negativity breeds failure, fear, anxiety, uncertainty and general discontent. Don't wish, decide, don't think, know, don't try, do and don't hope, make it happen.
I won't be going into the 1000 steps on how to be successful or any other book like explanation of how too many thing for anyone to remember can bring you success. This will be a few simple fundamentals that are present in all successful people with a few extras to keep in the back of your mind as you continue through life.
Step 2. Decide on your goal(s) out and write them down.
Like I said these aren't easy, but they are necessary. If you don't have anything your working towards, then you'll never know if you succeed. The goal list will constantly evolve as you accomplish goals, fail at projects or direction, change your goals and adapt to outside changes. Goals should be written down as daily tasks, weekly and monthly projects and lifetime goals, they need to consist of career and personal goals, must be realistic, but ambitious, being a dragon is not a realistic goal and make a cup coffee is not ambitious, unless of course you have never done that before. There is a multitude of information available on goal writing and setting. I am one of many people who speak on, write about, and teach how to accomplish this.
Step 3 Stay Focused,and pay attention to everything. Keep your eye on the prize but not myopically.
While it is imperative that you keep focused you need to pay attention in order to recognize opportunity. this relates to the first 2 steps negativity will cause you to lose focus, create fear and uncertainty and make you rethink you goals you need to retain things and people that ultimately lead you to your goal. Pay attention to everything and constantly asses how any action, direction or opportunity can lead to your achieving your goal. If you become to focused you will lose out on opportunities, information or other crucial pieces.
keep in mind the saying you cant see the forest through the trees. Blind greed causes many people to forget that many times spending money at the proper time in the proper place may cause you to have less for a bit but ultimately have much more later.
Step 4 Get Help! Don't try and do things on your own, NOBODY does it on their own.
If you are reading this you may already know and practice this. If anyone tells you they did it on their own, they're lying. School is help, a book is help, a friends advice, an article. It's all help of some kind. The more you look, the more you ask, the more you learn, and knowledge is power.
Step 5. Be decisive & confident. In you actions, and speech. don't diminish your thoughts and ideas.
We've all been in school and either heard the kid or were the kid that answers a question as a question.
Make a decision and speak up confirm your confidence, this also relates to the first 2 steps. if you are thinking positive then you know your capable of whatever you put your mind to, if you know your goals you know exactly what you want, use that to empower yourself to be confident. Don't use words and phrase like; "I think" and "kind, or sort of", wish, hope, and diminish works just, a bit, and some they show indecisiveness, and lack of confidence. Long pauses and uh and um relay not only lack of confidnece but also cause others to have lack of confidence in you. Use words like Yes and NO, answer question promptly and confidently. Ask for what you want tell people what you want and learn how to tell people to do something instead of asking. "Hey everyone lets go to the zoo I'll get my coat". instead of "would anyone like to go to the zoo?"
Keep in mind, these steps are not easy tasks, they are learned behavior, success isn't easy. Everyone successful has these behaviors and does these things and they have all encountered negative people, repeated failures, and relapses of negativity and lack of confidence, they have all lost focus at one point or another, nobody is perfect.
This isn't a step but it is the most important part of positive thinking, don't make excuses. There are very few "real "reasons for things. most things are excuses nobody and I mean absolutely nobody who wants to succeed has any less opportunity than anyone else. Many successful People including myself have been broke, homeless, in the wrong area, in a bad area, bad family, bad relationship, been fired, had kids, yet we've all managed to overcome it all, and realize, it may happen again. There is always a solution it depends on how bad you want it, and how positively you think.
I jumped right into the first step of this subject because it is so important to success and happiness. Positive thinking is the key to everything, without this basic fundamental you will never be able to accomplish anything. This includes not listening to negative people and not including them in your life, no matter who it is. you need to surround yourself with positivism, this doesn't mean only people who agree with you but rather people that support you. Negativity breeds failure, fear, anxiety, uncertainty and general discontent. Don't wish, decide, don't think, know, don't try, do and don't hope, make it happen.
I won't be going into the 1000 steps on how to be successful or any other book like explanation of how too many thing for anyone to remember can bring you success. This will be a few simple fundamentals that are present in all successful people with a few extras to keep in the back of your mind as you continue through life.
Step 2. Decide on your goal(s) out and write them down.
Like I said these aren't easy, but they are necessary. If you don't have anything your working towards, then you'll never know if you succeed. The goal list will constantly evolve as you accomplish goals, fail at projects or direction, change your goals and adapt to outside changes. Goals should be written down as daily tasks, weekly and monthly projects and lifetime goals, they need to consist of career and personal goals, must be realistic, but ambitious, being a dragon is not a realistic goal and make a cup coffee is not ambitious, unless of course you have never done that before. There is a multitude of information available on goal writing and setting. I am one of many people who speak on, write about, and teach how to accomplish this.
Step 3 Stay Focused,and pay attention to everything. Keep your eye on the prize but not myopically.
While it is imperative that you keep focused you need to pay attention in order to recognize opportunity. this relates to the first 2 steps negativity will cause you to lose focus, create fear and uncertainty and make you rethink you goals you need to retain things and people that ultimately lead you to your goal. Pay attention to everything and constantly asses how any action, direction or opportunity can lead to your achieving your goal. If you become to focused you will lose out on opportunities, information or other crucial pieces.
keep in mind the saying you cant see the forest through the trees. Blind greed causes many people to forget that many times spending money at the proper time in the proper place may cause you to have less for a bit but ultimately have much more later.
Step 4 Get Help! Don't try and do things on your own, NOBODY does it on their own.
If you are reading this you may already know and practice this. If anyone tells you they did it on their own, they're lying. School is help, a book is help, a friends advice, an article. It's all help of some kind. The more you look, the more you ask, the more you learn, and knowledge is power.
Step 5. Be decisive & confident. In you actions, and speech. don't diminish your thoughts and ideas.
We've all been in school and either heard the kid or were the kid that answers a question as a question.
Make a decision and speak up confirm your confidence, this also relates to the first 2 steps. if you are thinking positive then you know your capable of whatever you put your mind to, if you know your goals you know exactly what you want, use that to empower yourself to be confident. Don't use words and phrase like; "I think" and "kind, or sort of", wish, hope, and diminish works just, a bit, and some they show indecisiveness, and lack of confidence. Long pauses and uh and um relay not only lack of confidnece but also cause others to have lack of confidence in you. Use words like Yes and NO, answer question promptly and confidently. Ask for what you want tell people what you want and learn how to tell people to do something instead of asking. "Hey everyone lets go to the zoo I'll get my coat". instead of "would anyone like to go to the zoo?"
Keep in mind, these steps are not easy tasks, they are learned behavior, success isn't easy. Everyone successful has these behaviors and does these things and they have all encountered negative people, repeated failures, and relapses of negativity and lack of confidence, they have all lost focus at one point or another, nobody is perfect.
This isn't a step but it is the most important part of positive thinking, don't make excuses. There are very few "real "reasons for things. most things are excuses nobody and I mean absolutely nobody who wants to succeed has any less opportunity than anyone else. Many successful People including myself have been broke, homeless, in the wrong area, in a bad area, bad family, bad relationship, been fired, had kids, yet we've all managed to overcome it all, and realize, it may happen again. There is always a solution it depends on how bad you want it, and how positively you think.
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