Regional failures, where are they happening, why, and what can be done? Internal Audit & Immersive Analysis could be the answer

Over the past 5-6 decades this country has witnessed a vast amount of economic change and shifts. Some cities have prospered, some stayed the same and others failed to the point of near collapse. This isn't due to the great depression, war, or the recessions, rather it is due to municipal mismanagement, general ineptitude and a  lack of proper Audit and cultural anthropology in the form of  Immersive Analysis to determine the competencies, attitudes, behaviors and cultures of the general population. In turn it is part of the reason for our recessions and the US falling behind many other countries.  It may also very well be the reason for the current EU economic woes.

Detroit was in the forefront of this phenomenon, it was highly visible and the world witnessed the demise of a once great city, which at one point resembled a city scene from the walking dead.  Other cities and regions that have experienced continuous near collapse or depression don't seem to be in the spotlight as much, or are represented as a dump or a joke. Cleveland, Erie PA, Bethlehem PA, Buffalo NY, Utica NY, Gary IN.  These are several that come to mind as they all have a similar story.  How many studies have been done to find out the real reasons why it took such a downward spiral? Does anyone know how to conduct such a study?
When we hear about such high profile occurrences the immediate response of the city or region is to blame the state and or federal government, then the lack of corporate and manufacturing in interest, then the declining workforce and so on.  These reasons and multitude of other economic excuses including weather, and taxes are nonsense, as we all know these variables consonantly fluctuate and a good company overcomes or rides the wave, re-configuring and conforming in order to stay afloat. The blame and excuse game transcend the expanse from small children, to world governments.  The problem with this game is that once the blame is placed and the excuses are made it is a rarity to witness an investigation into it the actual causes which of the demise.  Much of the blame that is placed in reality are the results not the causes. In turn what this creates is an area of economic and correctional confusion.

I use the terms economic confusion and correctional confusion because what transpires is the regions, governments and population, attempt to act on what they believe are the issues originally perpetuated by the blamers.  As a result no one can understand or figure out why the methods they are applying aren't working. The people that do understand the reasons, which are sometimes the political candidates, and elected officials, attempt to resolve the problems in a sensible and methodical fashion only to be berated and and subjugated by the majority, who are still acting on the premise that focus need to be placed on the other areas that have been embedded in their psyche for decades, in turn nothing or very little gets accomplished.

What needs to be done is a forensic audit, go back to when problems first started to occur.  For may regions it was the loss of an industry. The grain industry, steel mills, shifts in transportation, and mining were all big hits that crippled or at the minimum hindered growth and prosperity.  To look at these occurrences broadly they give the appearance of being the cause of the downfall, however when studied in an in depth and Immersively analytic way the true reasons come to light.
The results should determine what resources/industries the regional economy is dependent on, and the continued level of prosperity if 3 of these resources were lost.  If and when the loss of one of these occurs, how the local media is portraying or will portray the loss or change to the public.  How everything including the weather is being presented to the public, factually, or sensationalized positive or negative.  If the news and other local media is portraying negatively what can be done to ensure it is portrayed positively if anything (bearing 1st amendment right in mind), if there is adequate training, free or pay to reeducate for new industry if not, how to put it into place, and many other questions that would ensure that the economy and attitudes of the region stay positive.

The other accomplishment of an immersive analysis is dissecting and understanding the regional culture, inter population perspective, how business is conducted, what the thought and beliefs are.  A diversified outside team should be sent out into the regional population into various cultures on a rotating basis to live for a set period of time 6,9, 24 months etc. and  conduct an anthropological analysis from the inside. The finding will include, general attitude, positive or negative, racial separations and bias levels, business acumen and aptitude, work ethic.

Without these studies being properly conducted and on an ongoing basis a true picture will never be represented and business will continue as usual.  Additionally sales people, expanding and or starting business will not be able to properly project future business if they do not understand the culture of the region.

An understanding that all regions, all businesses, all thoughts are not the same, they may not even make sense to outside parties. As an example a failing restaurant typically tries adding new menu items, better staff, update the overall property, but in some areas that could mean definite collapse.  Some areas don't want the change they want the same things at every restaurant so that the security of knowing no matter where you go they will have the same thing,  the basics of why fast food chains prosper.

From a broad perspective there are some obvious reasons that many of these regions failed Poor city/urban planning, lack of or poor services, corruption,  lack of foresight, lack of preparedness for an industry loss.  With further insight other reasons, like general depression,  fear, special interest groups, imbalance of public to private employees (more money going out than coming in) continued lack of ingenuity, citizen complacency, poor education, and lack of business acumen will be identified as either a cause a result or both.
Regions that were once prosperous but are now depressed suffer the same psychological effects as someone who has lost their job, yet most of the time this is never properly addressed and is even perpetuated and worsened by negative sensationalizing via the news media. As a simple example I have often hear "another dreary day"  "A devastating blow to local families"  " a stifling day of oppressive heat"  these have a hugely different and devastating effects to people in a depressed area than they would to a prosperous region.  These occurrences whether business, crime or weather related are perceived and used as reason for the regional conditions.  I liken this to someone who is unemployed waking up every morning to a spouse that says your still not employed, our life is over, we're devastated and should just get used to being homeless. What if our sports teams and coaches thought this way? games would get called off, teams wouldn't show up , because whats the point of playing if we're just going to lose.

All of these reasons lead to unsanitary conditions, increased crime rates, alcoholism, drug abuse, a decrease in quality education, obesity, and a fealing of entrapment with multi-generational negative psychological effects.
