
New Years Resolutions, Why are they important?

Fines, prosecution, financial crimes, How and why they happen. An examination of issues with business and the need for steadfast compliance

Due diligence VS Enhanced Due Diligence and how it affects everyone

Why compliance is the most important part of business today

Control yourself by controlling your speech patterns

AML/ATF Fraud and understanding society level lifestyles

It's all about control from the APS

Is your goal to become rich? Then rob a bank, or maybe becoming rich isn't really your goal.

It's all about control : KYC, What is it, who's responsible for it, and how far should it be taken? Exploring CDD & EDD

KYC, What is it, who's responsible for it, and how far should it be taken? Exploring CDD & EDD

The 48 Laws of Power: Law 2: Never put too Much Trust in Friends, Learn ...

The 48 Laws of Power: Law 1: Never Outshine The Master

Due Diligence. Determining levels of risk mitigation in the wake of recent failures announced with the Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Restoration Project.

Motivation focusing negative outcomes to create positive behavior using OCD and CBT as a guide

Regional failures, where are they happening, why, and what can be done? Internal Audit & Immersive Analysis could be the answer

5 not easy, but basic steps you need to take to even think about success, in life, and business.